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Sidewalk Maintenance Notice
We are currently experiencing a breakdown with our Trackless Sidewalk Snowblower.
Public Works Staff are doing what they can with the Sidewalk Plow.
There may be delays in sidewalk clearing until this equipment can be repaired.
As a result of the winter storm warning, the Township of Havelock–Belmont–Methuen has made the decision to declare a Significant Weather Event, as defined in the Minimum Maintenance Standards Ontario Regulation 366/18.
Please note: HBM Public Works Staff will be out monitoring, plowing and maintaining roads.
The Township of Havelock–Belmont–Methuen wishes to note that the declaration of a significant weather event is not notice of a reduced level of service however clearing of roads may require an extended time.
Caution is to be exercised when travelling on Township maintained roads as it may take longer than usual to bring the conditions of the roads back to a state of clear passage.
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